- 講師:Donna Erickson先生 (Sophia Soliphic, Haskins Laboratories)
- 日時:2017年10月14日(土)13:30-17:00 (開場30分前)
- 会場:慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパス第八校舎812教室
http://lsdcom.keio.ac.jp/access/index.html - 主催:日本音声学会 (音声学普及委員会・企画委員会)
- 共催:慶應義塾大学,戦略的研究基盤形成支援事業・コミュニケーション行動の生涯発達研究拠点
- 世話人:皆川泰代(慶應義塾大学)
- 参加費:学生・会員無料、非会員一般1,000円,非会員学生500円
- 定員:80名
- Session 1: 13:30-14:30
1. Why study emotional speech?
2. What are some acoustic and articulatory changes?
3. Brief tutorial of F0, loudness and voice quality.
4. Why does experiencing emotion result in changes in the voice? - 10 min rest
- Session 2: 14:40-15:30
5. Some phonetic/perceptual similarities/differences for spontaneous & acted emotions
6. Acted emotions & cultural differences in perception
7. Social “emotions”: Social affective expressions
8. Social affective expressions: Cultural similarities and differences - 10 min rest
- Session 3: 15:40-16:30
9. Social affective expressions and personalities
10. Some tips on how to study “emotional” speech
11. Other topics: gender issues, social laugher/spontaneous laughter, etc.
12. Analysis of voice quality - 10 min rest
- Session 4: 16:40-17:00 questions & free discussion