The 334th Regular Meeting ―Call for oral presentations and symposium organization―

September 26th, 2016
The 334th Regular Meeting will be held in the afternoon of Saturday, December 3rd, 2016, at Jumonji University. Submission for oral presentations and symposium is now open. Submission is limited to members who have paid the annual membership fee for 2016.
Date 1:30pm-5:30pm, Saturday, December 3rd, 2016
Location Jumonji University (2-1-28 Sugasawa, Niiza-shi, Saitama, 352-8510)
Organizaer Yuko SHITARA (Jumonji University)

―Call for oral presentations―

 Submission for oral presentations (40 minutes, including Q&A. Submission should be original research that has not been published elsewhere) is now open. Please send the information below by email in both PDF and MSWord formats by Monday, October 17th, 2016, to Please insert “Submission for 334th Regular Meeting” in the email subject, and “334th Regular Meeting (Presenter’s name)” as the file name. Notification of acceptance will be sent by around October 25th after the reviewing process.
  1. Names of presenters in Japanese, if available
  2. Names of presenters in English
  3. Affiliations of presenters in Japanese, if available
  4. Affiliations of presenters in English
  5. Names and contact information (email) of persons in charge of receiving notification of acceptance
  6. Title of presentation (Japanese title not needed if presentation is to be given in English)
  7. Abstract (about 400 Japanese characters)
  8. Equipment necessary for presentation (laptop and projector excluded)

―Call for symposium organization―

Symposiums at Regular Meetings are to offer opportunities for presenters and audience to have discussions on a particular topic after the talks by several presenters. The report at the symposium does not have to be completed work; rather it is aimed for research projects in progress. Submission for symposium presentations is now open. Please send the information below by email in both PDF and MSWord formats by Monday, October 17th, 2016 to Please insert “Submission for symposium at 334th Regular Meeting” in the email subject and “334th Regular Meeting (Presenter’s name)” as the file name. Please embed all fonts when preparing PDF files. Notification of acceptance will be sent by around October 25th after the reviewing process.
  1. Title of symposium in Japanese (less than 50 letters)
  2. Title of symposium in English (less than 25 words)
  3. Organizer’s name, affiliation, and contact information (email, telephone, address)
  4. Names and affiliations of presenters in Japanese
  5. Names and affiliations of presenters in English
  6. Abstract of workshop (less than 1000 Japanese characters, or less than 500 English words. Please indicate time allocations.)
  7. Others (Necessary equipment or material)
  <Guidelines for preparing symposium proposal>
  • Time allocation: The symposium should be at least two hours but should not go over three hours. 20% of the time should be provided for Q&A including the audience.
  • Presenters: There should be more than two presenters, and more than half of them should be members of the Phonetic Society of Japan. The symposium may have a chairperson and panel members (members or non-members).
  • Topic: should be suitable as presentations at the Phonetic Society of Japan
  • Preparation: PR activities and operations on the symposium day will be supported by the Planning Committee. However, the organizer is fully responsible for any preparation before the symposium day. The Phonetic Society of Japan will not provide travelling expenses or rewards for presenters.
(Planning Committee)