(Mar. 24, 2007, Kobe University)
Archive for the ‘phonetics-seminar’ Category
The 14th Phonetics Seminar
The 13th Phonetics Seminar
Shozo KOJIMA (Keio University)
(Mar. 4, 2006, Keio University)
The 12th Phonetics Seminar
(Mar. 26, 2005, Sophia University)
The 11th Phonetics Seminar
Hideaki KIKUCHI (Waseda University)
(Jul. 10, 2004, National Institute for Japanese Language)
The 10th Phonetics Seminar
(Mar. 10, 2003, Kyoto University)
The 9th Phonetics Seminar
(Mar. 15, 2002, ATR International)
The 8th Phonetics Seminar
(Nov. 11, 2000, Sophia University)
The 7th Phonetics Seminar
(March 25, 2000, Kyoto Women’s University)
The 6th Phonetics Seminar
(Oct. 23, 1999, University of Tokyo)
The 5th Phonetics Seminar
"Introduction to Speech Analysis and Synthesis Methods for Phonetics Research"
Hideki KASUYA (Utsunomiya University)
Hideki KASUYA (Utsunomiya University)