30th General Meeting Program

August 8th, 2016
The Ninetieth Anniversary and Thirtieth General Meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan
The Ninetieth Anniversary and
Thirtieth General Meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan
Sponsor: The Phonetic Society of Japan
Co-sponsor: Language and Speech Science Research Laboratories, Waseda University
Venue: Waseda University, Waseda Campus
1-6-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-0051
Organizer: Mafuyu Kitahara (Waseda University)

Program (PDF format)
Day 1: Saturday, September 17th
Venue: Building 27 (Ono Auditorium, B2F Lobby)
10:00- Registration
10:30-12:30 Venue: Building 27, B2F Lobby
  • Poster Session
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Venue: Ono Auditorium
  • 90th Anniversary Speech by Satoshi IMAIZUMI (PSJ President)
  • Speech by Host University: Mariko KONDO, Director of Language and Speech Science Research Laboratories
  • Awarding Ceremony (Outstanding Article Award, Academic Research Incentive Award)
14:40-17:10 Venue: Ono Auditorium
90th Anniversary Symposium
Tsutomu Chiba (1883-1959): Aspects of his work and its context
  • Chair: Hiroko SAITO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
  • The works of Tsutomu Chiba and Masato Kajiyama in their historical context

  • Images from the past: Re-discovering some lost X-ray data of Tsutomu Chiba

    Michael Ashby(University College London)
  • What Tsutomu Chiba left behind

    Takayuki ARAI (Sophia University)
17:30-17:50 Venue: Rihga Royal Hotel Tokyo
  • Photo session
18:00-20:00 Venue: Rihga Royal Hotel Tokyo
90th Anniversary Celebration Party
  • Chair: Makoto KUNO (Chair, 90th Anniversary Event)
Day 2: Sunday, September 18th
Venue: Ono Auditorium (Building 27, B2F Lobby), International Conference Center (Building 18)
09:30- Registration
10:00-11:00 Venue: Ono Auditorium
90th Anniversary Lecture
Interacting with Phonetics
Patricia Ashby(University of Westminster)
  • Chair: Junko Sugimoto (University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo)
11:00-11:10 Break
11:10-11:40 Venue: Ono Auditorium
  • General Assembly
11:40-13:00 Lunch
13:00-16:40 Venue: International Conference Center 3F
  • Oral presentations
16:40 Closing

Day 1: Research Presentation Program (September 17)

Underlined presenters are eligible presenters for Outstanding Presentation Award. Winners and the dates for the awarding ceremony will be announced on the PSJ website after the General Meeting. Winners will be notified via e-mail.
Poster Presentations 10:30-12:30
Building 27, B2F Lobby
Chair: Michiko SUDO & Kyoto TAKEUCHI
P1 The excrescent b in Indo-European languages
Mutsuko ISONO (Meijigakuin Unversity)
P2 Perception of Japanese Fricatives [s], [z], [ɕ] and [ʑ] by Indonesian Javanese-speaking Learners
Hernawati HENI (Nagoya University)
P3 Effects of pronunciation training and translation training in English vocabulary learning by Japanese speakers
Sayoko EGUCHI (ATR, Kobe University),
Reiko YAMADA (ATR, Kobe University)
P4 Effects of perceptual training and vocabulary training of Mandarin tones for Japanese listeners: Pretest – post-test Comparison
Shuyi YANG (Kobe University), Reiko YAMADA (ATR, Kobe University)
P5 Asymmetry of English liquid recognition by Japanese speakers
Mariko KONDO (Waseda University)
P6 Intonation pattern from the interjection to the subsequent word and its function in Japanese chat
Jun SUDO (Doshisha University)
P7 The Prosody of Sentence-Final Particles in Kumamoto Dialect
Yukinori TAGAWA (Nihon University)
P8 On the Perception of Japanese Initial Voiced Stops by Taiwanese Learners
Chi CHU (Soochow University (Taiwan)), Yuki Okazaki (Nagoya University)
◇Poster Presentations
 Poster session is 120 minutes. Please put up your poster on your designated poster board by 10:30am. Please come back to the venue when the session starts.Odd numbered posters will be in the first 60 minutes, and even numbered posters will be in the latter 60 minutes. Presenters can be at their poster for 120 minutes, or leave when it is not their time to present. Poster boards are 170cm high and 114cm wide. Pointers and tapes will be available at the venue. Presenters should use headphones when presenting sounds. There will be no power supply available at the venue.

Day 2: Research Presentation Program (September 18)

Oral Presentations
Venue A (Conference Room 1, International Conference Center 3F)
Chair: Atsuko SHIMIZU & Yuko SHITARA
Consonant clusters by Japanese learners of English
Katsumi NAGAI (Kagawa University)
Japanese Advanced Learners of English Produce Shorter Epenthetic Vowels
Takayuki KONISHI , Kakeru YAZAWA, Mariko KONDO (Waseda University)
The Validity of Rhythm Indices (IM & PVI) in L2 Research:
An Analysis on English Spoken by L1 Japanese Speakers
Yumi OZAKI (Waseda University)
Chair: Chieko NAKAGAWA & Makiko MATSUDA
Japanese noun accent by Vietnamese learners
Thi Huyen Trang NGUYEN (Osaka University)
The Accent Pattern of Japanese Nouns Produced by Chinese Learners: Focusing the Relationship of Perception and Knowledge
Ruilai Wang (Kobe University), Ryoko Hayashi (Kobe University), Kazuhiro ISOMURA (The Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute), Jun ARAI (Charles University in Prague)
The factors that influenced teaching pronunciation of non-native Japanese teacher
– An example for teaching prosody of Vietnamese teachers –
Thi May SAI(Waseda University)
Oral Presentations 13:00-16:40
Venue B (Conference Room 2, International Conference Center 3F)
Chair: Takuya KIMURA & Keiichi TAKAMARU
MyVoice and phonetics education
Shigeto KAWAHARA (Keio University), Tomoko MONOU (Keio University, Mejiro University), Yasuyo MINAGAWA (Keio University)
The difference between singers and non-singers on the perception of high-pitched sung vowels
Nozomi ENDO(The University of Tokyo), Shigeto KAWAHARA (Keio University), Yasuyo MINAGAWA (Keio University)
How to write by hand the International Phonetic Alphabet
Kyoko TAKEUCHI (Kokugakuin University)
Chair: Seiya FUNATSU & Takehiko MAKINO
Acoustic Realization of Downstep in English Speakers’ Japanese
Kakeru YAZAWA Mariko KONDO (Waseda University)
Reconsideration of the notion of mora in speech rhythm and spoken word recognition
Takashi OTAKE (E-Listening Laboratory)
The articulatory characteristics of Japanese alveolar geminates based on the EPG analysis
Michinao MATSUI (Osaka Health Science University), Shigeto KAWAHARA (Keio University),
Jason SHAW (University of Western Sydney)
Oral Presentations 13:00-16:40
Venue C (Conference Room 3, International Conference Center 3F)
Chair: Harumi MITSUI & Akemi MINEDA
A dialect of Mainland Japanese retaining the Class B vs. Class C tonal distinction:
The comparison between the Saga-Kishima dialect and Ryukyuan
Yosuke IGARASHI (Hitotsubashi University), Tatsuya Hirako (Komazawa University)
Mechanism of establishment of the “”Yamada rules””
Mutual assimilation of sequential vowels in verbs in Nakai-machi dialect, Kanagawa Prefecture
Kaoru SAKAMOTO(Kokugakuin University)
Chair: Kazuaki UENO & Ken NAKAMOTO
Syllable “”e”” & “”o”” in Japanese : the phonology of their history
Yuichiro KASAMA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Accent opposition of two registers in Suzuka Mie
Haruka TAKEUCHI(Kokugakuin University)
The accent of Japanese four-kanji compound words composed of a patient noun and a verbal noun
Xi CHEN(Osaka University)
◇Oral presentations
 Presenting time is 25 minutes followed by 5 minutes Q&A. Presenters who wish to spend more time on Q&A may present for 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes Q&A. There will be 5 minutes between presentations for presenters to get ready, but this time may not be used for presentations or Q&A. Presenters should follow the chairs’ instructions.
  1. Presenters should be in the room at the time their session begins. Presenters should be seated at the front seats. Please wait for your turn in your seats.
  2. Projectors are available in all rooms.
  3. Projectors:
    Presenters should check their laptop-projector connection before their presentations. Student staff at Waseda University will be available for assistance at the International Conference Center from 12pm. We will not prepare laptops at the venue, so presenters should bring their own laptops. Please disconnect your laptop and projector as soon as the presentation is over.
    *Please note that the connector on the projector is a widely used D-sub 15 pin (Mini D-sub15pin or HD(3way)15pin) with 3 lines of 15pin. Presenters should be responsible for technical issues other than issues with the projector itself.
◇Participation fee and proceedings
 Proceedings (on paper and USB) will be on sale at the registration booth (1000 yen for students, 2000 yen for members, and 3000 yen for non-members except students). Those attending the conference must purchase the proceedings as participation fee. Students of undergraduate and graduate schools must show their student ID at registration. Proceedings will be on sale only at the convention venue. The public symposium is open to all. All will receive a 90th anniversary gift.
◇Proceedings back issues
 Back issues are on sale or distributed at registration. First come, first served. Pre-ordering and mailing will not be accepted.
  • The past two issues (28th and 29th conventions): 500 yen each
  • Issues before 27th convention: Free
◇Membership registration
 If you wish to become a member, please register at the registration booth.
*Members cannot pay their membership fee at the convention registration.
◇90th Anniversary Party
 The convention party will be held on Day 1 (6PM, Saturday) at “Emerald”, 2nd floor of Rhiga Royal Hotel Tokyo (7 minute walk from Ono Auditorium). Participation fee is 6000 yen for members, 3000 yen for students. Please make a reservation by September 9th via website(https://goo.gl/EKGWZt).You will also find the link on the PSJ website. Participation without reservation will only be accepted when there is vacancy. Pre-registration is recommended.
 The venue will not provide lunches. There are restaurants and convenience stores around the campus.
◇Nursery room
 The nursery room is available during the convention with the cooperation of the venue. The fee is at a reasonable price (500 yen/hour for one child). Participants with small children are encouraged to use this system. Please make a reservation in advance if you wish to use this system. Further information will be announced on the website.
◇Convention administration committee
Mafuyu KITAHARA (Chair), Miki IKOMA, Takayuki KONISHI,
Mariko KONDO, Takako TODA, Chieko NAKAGAWA, Yukio KIGAWA,
◇Planning Committee
Mariko KUNO (Chair), Seiya FUNATSU (Alternate Chair), A Rongna,
Miki IKOMA, Kahoru IMAMURA, Makio OONO, Takuya KIMURA,
Yosuke MIKI, Akemi MINEDA, Nobuaki MINEMATSU
◇90th Anniversary Committee
Makoto KUNO (Chair), Mafuyu KITAHARA, Yoshio SAITO,
◇Access to Venue
(Waseda Campus, Waseda University on both days)
  • JR/Seibu Line: 20 minute walk from Takadanobaba Station
  • Bus (Toei Bus Gaku02): 7 minute walk from Sodai-Seimon Bus Stop
  • Tozai Line (Metro): 5 minute walk from Waseda Station
  • Fukutoshin Line (Metro): 17 minute walk from Nishi-Waseda Station
  • Toei Bus: Waseda, Nishi-Waseda, Sodai-Seimon, Baba-Shitamachi Stops
  • Toei Streetcar (Toden): 5 minute walk from Waseda Station